Developmental Screenings

Argyle Pediatrics

Carrie Jones, MD

Pediatrician located in Argyle, TX

To ensure your child is growing healthy, happy, and strong with each passing month, Carrie Jones, MD, offers routine developmental screenings at Argyle Pediatrics in Argyle, Texas. Dr. Jones and her staff work closely with you to track important milestones from infancy to young adulthood. She can identify and help manage the symptoms of common childhood conditions affecting development.  Learn more about the importance of developmental screenings by calling today or using the online booking feature to make an appointment.

Developmental Screenings

What are developmental screenings?

Developmental screenings allow Dr. Jones the opportunity to evaluate how your child is growing and changing over time. These screenings also track the milestones your child reaches as they develop.

Your child undergoes developmental screenings at each well-child visit appointment. More frequent screenings may be necessary if Dr. Jones suspects there’s an issue with your child’s growth due to existing health conditions, a preterm birth, or exposure to environmental hazards like lead.

What developmental screenings does my child need?

Dr. Jones conducts developmental screenings based on your child’s age and medical history. She evaluates several aspects of your child’s development, including:

  • Gross motor skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Adaptive skills

Any indication your child isn’t reaching milestones or there are delays in their development may require further assessment.

What conditions can cause developmental delays?

There are a number of conditions that can interfere with the growth and development of children. Pediatric developmental issues include:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Down syndrome
  • Intellectual disabilities

Dr. Jones also offers specific screenings for identifying conditions like autism spectrum disorders and ADHD.

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood mental disorder that can carry on through adulthood. The condition makes it difficult for your child to pay attention at home or in school or focus on the task at hand.

ADHD also causes your child to move excessively, unable to sit still to complete home or school work. Your child may experience difficulty at school or frequently be in trouble for disrupting the class or having missing or incomplete assignments.

Is ADHD treatable?

While there isn’t a cure for ADHD, Dr. Jones can create a custom treatment plan to address your child’s symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Typically, ADHD management involves anyone who directly cares for your child, such as family members, teachers, and caregivers. Dr. Jones can work closely with the people in your child’s life to improve behaviors and assist with their education.

In some cases, prescription medications can alleviate some of your child’s symptoms, making it easier for them to sit still and focus on specific activities.

To learn more about managing ADHD and other developmental issues, schedule a consultation online or by calling the office today.